I. Definitons
In this section of the FAQ you will find answers to the following questions: What is cryonics? What is cryogenics? What is cryoprotector? What is cryopreservation? Also in this section you can look up the meaning of many other terms used in cryonics, or in discussions of its various aspects.
II. Is life extension really needed?
In this section you can find out whether if physical immortality is achievable? Wouldn't it be boring to live thousands of years or longer? Could cryonics lead to overpopulation of the Earth? Why the society of the future would want to resurrect cryopatients? Does cryonics give false hope? Doesn't death supply life with meaning?
You will also be able to find answers to other questions on life extension, cryopatients and the society of the future, etc.
III. Financial questions
This section answers the folloing questions: How much does cryopreservation cost? Would only rich people will be able to afford cryonics services? Would cryonics organisations assets be depreciated with inflation? How much would a revival cost? Can I safeguard materiall assets for use after revivification? How much do cryonics services cost in different organizations?
You will also be able to find answers to other questions on "Cryonics and finances."
IV. Religion and philosophy
Where does the patient's soul go when they undergo cryopreservation? Has God not made death the inevitable lot of the people? Is cryonics not an expression of egoism or self-love? If the identity of a person resides in the brain, is it possible to reproduce the brain (and thus the person)? Would it not be easier to upload the human brain to a computer? This section also coveres other issues from the fields of philosophy, ethics and religion.
V. Cryopreservation
Cryopreservation is a complicated process with many steps, based on extensive studies. In this section you can find answers to a plethora of questions on cryonics (cryopreservation), e.g.: Doesn't tissue freezing process destroy, breake or damage the cells? Were there cases of successfull revivification of cryopreserved humans or any other mammal? What procedures are employed for human cryopreservation? Would a power failure lead to unfreezing of patients? How would future sciences be able to revive cryopreserved humans and animals??
VI. Ageing and old age
Beginning cryonicists have many doubts on the general topic of "Does it make sense to cryopreserve elderly and very old and sick people"? In this section you can find answers to many similar questions, in particular: is there a hope for a person who died of Alzheimer's disease? Isn't death a way to eliminate the outdated thinking? Why would an old man, suffering from senile diseases, want to undergo cryopreservation?
VII. Cryonics organisations
One always want to know the range of available possibilities with cryonics. In this section of our FAQ you can find answers to such questions as: Which cryonics organizations provide full range of cryopreservation services? What is the difference between these organizations? What is being done to ensure that these organizations do not fall under control of non-cryonicists? What other cryonics organizations exist, other than "KrioRus"?
VIII. Legal and political aspects
This section contains information on legal and similar issues, e.g.:.. On basis of which laws do cryonics organisations carry out their activity? Which legal documents are required other than the contract itself? Can one avoid autopsy? Do cryonicists find euthanasia acceptable? Can people bequeath their bodies for cryonics research?
IX. Cultural aspects
In this section you can find answers to questions such as: Were there cases when scientists and representatives of the art world publicly expressed their faith in cryonics or publicly supported it? How did the transhumanist movement begin? Who was the first patient that underwent cryopreservation with the aim of future resurrection? Why do people cryopreserve their pets? Did Walt Disney undergo cryopreservation ? Etc.
X. Scientitfic aspects of cryonics
This section highlights a popular scientific aspects of cryonics, associated with the surgery, hypothermia, cryobiology, nanotechnology and a number of other sciences and practices.
Here you can find out: is cryonics a science, how quickly do neurons die after death, what is the developement status of sciences, that can be employed to revive cryopatients in the future ? Additionally, here you can get a lot of other information on the subject.
XI. Extra information
This section provides answers to such questions as: Are there good books on cryonics? Where on the Internet, you can find additional information about cryonics? How can I get more information about cryonics organizations?
Translation: Sergey Ivanov, supported by Larin Artem P.
Footnote: this FAQ is historicaly connected to a FAQ on cryonics by american cryonics organisation Alcor.