CryoGen project at transhumanist conference TransVision-2017 in Brussels


The international conference TransVision-2017 is taking place in Brussels on 9-11 November 2017. Valeriya Pride will once again make a speech and present the CryoGen project developed by KrioRus. Importance of this project is hard to overestimate, as it aims at developing cryogenic technologies to turn reversible cryopreservation into reality in the near future.

The conference is dedicated to the review of transhumanist movement in Europe and worldwide. It gathers the most renown futurists and representatives of transhumanist and related organizations who want to share their news and significant projects contributing to further development of the transhumanist movement.

KrioRus is the unquestioned European leader in research and experimental development of cryogenics, determined to make a breakthrough in nanocryonics and cryobiology with the investment raised via ICO CryoGen to come up with the technology of reversible cryopreservation in next several years and thus make radical prolongation of life possible.

At the end of her speech Valeriya Pride is going to announce start of Pre-ICO. We are sure that transhumanist community will support the important project like ICO CryoGen, and at TransVision-2017 we will build friendly and business relations of prompt and mutual benefit with many companies.

TransVision-2017 symposium will ensure our further consolidation and willing to live better together. During these three days the participants will have lots of opportunities for dialogue and contact exchange. They will have enough time to meet new people and build connections that will bear fruit in the future. The conference will see the following speakers:

David Wood

  • Natasha Vita-More
  • Stefano Vaj
  • Francois Vialatte
  • Serjo Tarrero
  • Gennady Stolyarov II
  • Ilia Stambler
  • Andres Sandberg
  • Marc Roux
  • Tomasz Romanovsky
  • Valeriya Udalova (Pride)
  • David Pearce
  • Armand Ngaketsha
  • Chris Monteiro
  • Marcel Mayer
  • Angel Martchev
  • Anton Kulaga
  • Paul Jorion
  • Waldemar Ingdahl
  • James Hughes
  • Steve Fuller
  • Gabriel Dorthe
  • Jose Cordeiro
  • Didier Coeurnelle
  • Ricardo Campa
  • Sven Bulterijs

The symposium takes place at the magnificent Grand Café Muntpunt located in the heart of the European capital near the Brussels Royal Opera House.

This conference is convened for the participants to exchange information, analyze state of the transhumanist movement in our countries, share experience and review relevance and prospects of joint action. The following issues will be raised:

  • Is there interest in structuring transhumanism on a European scale?
  • What are the relations among transhumanists on a global scale?
  • What are the lessons to learn from our first political commitments?
  • Is there any consensus regarding the development of technological perspective?
  • What should be the priorities of transhumanist action?

Symposiums like TransVision-2017 are necessary for the people united by common idea to better cooperate with each other and work together to make transhumanist goals come true.



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