Discerning the future, reposing on our dreams and expectations, we're continuing to ask ourselves: what technologies will apply for the revitalisation of cryopatients? Although we do not still know to clarify this issue, we believe, however, that certain existing technologies are the most appropriate to implement functions either complete or partial of the resuscitation of cryopatients. These are first of all such technologies as:
- nanotechnologies (to see below), particularly the nanorobots
- the growth of parts and tissues of the human body (we recommend the chapter "cyberbodies'')
- the creation of the artificial human parts (there we are recommending even the lesson "Cybernisation")
- the creation of the brain model
- printing organs in 3D
- the transplantation of the donor body
- recovery of the personality on the kept data
Other technologies of which we have yet no idea or which have just appeared on the science horizon.
Nanotechnologies and molecular robots
Nanotechnology is the branch of science and technique linked with processing facilities in the nanometer about (one billion part of the meter), i.e. the plants content from a few tens to several thousands of atoms. These plants are predestined to work with atoms and molecules isolated (the distance between the atoms of biological molecules is measured in tenth part of nanometer). The thrust of nanotechnology has been the formation of the microscope of the tunnel permitting to investigate on the substance to the atomic level, seeing and moving the particular atoms. This innovation is awarded the Prize Nobel in 1986. Since then the nanotechnology demonstrates the development more and more tumultuous. A plant whose processing is dealing with the field of nanotechnology is the molecular robots, i.e. the robots whose the size is equal to that of the molecule. They will be loaded from calculators in miniature and manipulators which allow, for example, to carry out the molecular surgery, removing the molecules and changing their structure. The analogue of the simple nanorobot is the ribosome (the cellular organella) which is programmed by the molecule of the acid ribonucleino to build the molecule of the protein amino acids. (To see ''The detailed Nanorobots" and "FAQ on Nanomedicine" Robert Freitas).
The eventual scenario of the revitalisation
One of possible and maybe the most suitable for revival of cryopatients, scenarios is described in the book "The machines to create" written by eminent scientists Eric Dreksler and Marvin Minski. 9 chapter of this book who is called in a symbolic way "The Door to the Future" is entirely dedicated to this question. In short, the process of the restoration of vital activity of cryopatients in the future contains the sequents steps:
- In embalmed body fit the amount immense (the millions of billions) of nanorobots (nanobots). In sum, their weight is 0.5 kg.
- The nanorobots (nanobots) analyze the failures in the cells of the body caused by illness, death (if the cryopatient has been cryogenated after his parting), the imbalsamisation or perfusion and conservation. By examining the status of the human body, nanobots can exchange information among themselves but also between the supercomputer located outside the body.
- Having completed this analysis, the molecular robots repair all the damages by removing the molecules glued and buffered, restoring the cellular membranes and organelles, etc. Moreover, nanobots operate the care and rejuvenation of cells and hence of the entire organism, i.e. will be reborn not the old and sick, but the young and healthy man.
- Having completed their work, the molecular robots abandon the body revitalized (for example, through the system of circulation or breathing, as influenza's viruses and some other viruses).
According to the opinions of modern experts, suchlike process may take a few months. It's very probably that the similar technology will be elaborated in 50 years. So it will be necessary to store cryopatients at least during all this time. In the case of cryopreservation only of the head of the cryopatient need to reconstruct his body, having used its ADN(for example, growing its organs or tissues or other some way) still before repairing the brain of the cryopatient. The amount of scientific publications dedicated to technical aspects of revitalisat
ion of cryopatients increases continuously. In 2008, the famous americans nanotechnologists and supporters of cryonics Ralph Merkl and Robert A. Freitas Jr. have composed the list of books and articles gatherings issues of the resuscitation of
cryopatients. Since then this list is greatly increased and we are about to complete it, giving the laconic criticism of works.
Perhaps, to better understand the technologies of the future revitalisation of cryopatients need to read the work of Robert Freitas ''FAG on nanomedicine, all about nanorobots''.
The text translated by Maria Sokolova.