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A man does not die instantly
By Valerija - Posted on 08 августа 2009

Cryonics supporters consider death as a process comprising several stages:


1. clinical death;

2. biological death;

3. information death.


By means of crynics a person can be stabilized in the state between biological death and information death.
Let us consider this assumption in detail.
After heart and respiratory failure (clinical death) for approximnately an hour it ia possible to bring a patient back to normal functioning (to reanimate).


Even after the termination of brain bioelectrical activity and the absence of reflexes (which signifies brain death or biological death – after it a physician or other person in charge has the right to give a death certificate) most cells in human organs are alive and dead cells are not yet fully destructed – many cell ctructures are still functioning. The structre of connections among brain nervous cells which is the foundation of long-term memory and basic substrate of a man’s existence as personality, still maintains, therefore, there is a principal possibility (by means of reparation at cellular and molecular levels which may well be possible for future medicine) to reanimate a man even after his biological death. In this connection, cryonics introduces tha concept of information (complete, final) death when information necessary for the reanimation of a man as an adequate personality preserving his memory of his past and Self, is irreversibly lost.
Modern science cannot define the exact moment of this death, as it depends not only on the current knowledge of human brain mechanisms and of molecular and cellular foundations of life (which is far from being complete), but on the ability of future medical technologies to use information preserved in brain, for patients’ revival. Nevertheless, considering all the above-said, it can be assumed that after the blood circulation termination and coolong down to 20-25 a man can live for several hours (and after clinical death a human body is naturally cooled), it can be safely suggested that information death may be separated in time from biological death, by several hours (and even by several tens of hours).


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